Sunday, June 12, 2011

Endings and Outings

May was a big month for Leah. Not only did she become a big sister again, but she graduated from Preschool and finished a year of Ballet!

Preschool Graduation, with Miss Carol and then with friend Julia:

Leah's Ballet Recital, pictured with Miss Jennie and Miss T (Tiare):

To celebrate the end of one season and the beginning of the next, we visited Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point. There is something about that red window pane that lends itself particularly to photographing my not-so-little-anymore girl.

Now for a fun summer and then on to Kindergarten!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

All in a day's weekend's work

This weekend we put together this:

While the kids did this:

And resultantly fell asleep before dinner:

There was another one of Samuel reposing stark naked on the hall floor, but alas, it was inappropriate for Blogger.

I must say, experience has taught us much about working together peacefully. We worked for 5 hours in the hot sun and got most of the shed put together, stopping only to referee the kids. After dinner and putting kids to bed, we went back outside to work a little more in the daylight we had left. By then it was windy and chilly and buggy, and the pieces we were putting together got tricky. By 9:30, we were running the car headlights to see in the dark, and by 10:30 we were jump-starting said car by light of iPod. iPod doubling as access to jump-start instructions and flashlight. (What did we ever do before WiFi and portable devices?)

In a former life, this comedy of errors would have made us frustrated and contentious. As it was, we were really quite amused and cooperative. And spending all say in the hot sun doing manual labor makes one sleep like the dead, indeed.