Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Favorite Things of Spring

  1. Sunshine
  2. The smell of freshly cut grass
  3. Butterflies
  4. Flowers
  5. The smell of blossoms on trees
  6. Flip flops
  7. Open windows
  8. Taking walks
  9. Birds chirping
  10. New clothes


Anonymous said...

My spring favorites: baseball season starts again, sunshine (but not too hot yet!), Easter chocolate, planning a summer vacation, planning summer activities (I like planning things), loosing the winter mad-dash-in-freezing-cold from car to stores and back again, Mother's Day (both the giving and receiving), everything turning green, the brief pause from watching-husband-shovel-snow to watching-husband-mow-lawn, and April General Conference (with lots of resurrection talks). Of course there are other things I'm not thinking of at the moment. Yea spring!

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about spring is yard work. I also like opening the windows, riding my bicycle to work, daylight lasting longer. spring makes Chicago winters tolerable. Mom