Today I....
- Gave the kids baths
- Cleaned up vomit several times (which is why they got baths)
- Camped in a tent in the back yard with the kids
- Swept and mopped the kitchen and hallway
- Scrubbed and bleached all the garbage cans in the house
- Cleaned the kitchen counters and ran the dishwasher twice
- Washed and put away more than four loads of laundry.
- Organized our bedroom closet, picking out the things to go to DI (and those blue capris that I thought were goners actually fit me instead!)
- Rounded up all the winter gloves and hats and scarves and put them in their own bin. (Okay, I know it's July....)
- Got out the sewing machine and did all the mending that has been on my to-mend list forever, including make Leah a pair of cut-offs (and with a double needle, ooh, la, la!)
- Made cookies (with two preschoolers helping, mind you)
- Cleaned up after the cookies
- Had a steak and potato dinner ready when my husband came home at 6:00
Okay, so I guess if I delivered the cookies to my visiting teachees with a hand made card, I would get a few more points. I did pull one weed tyring to find the garden hose, but theres a lot more I didn't pull. And Samuel is still not potty trained....
Wait, I'm trying to make my case for Supermom.
Well, the night is young, maybe I'll still manage to get to the gym!
4 comments:'re Super in my book! Congrats!!
You are also superwife and super sexy!!! Thank you and I love you!
And how many hours are in your day? Whatever you're taking, I wnat some!
Well I did make it to the gym and did 50 minutes of cardio just so that I could say I did it all in one day.
And to answer your question, I'm taking 2 anti-depressants and a thyroid-booster called cytomel. You should try it!
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