- I turned an entire load of whites into a load of pinks. It may be a secret, but how is a man supposed to feel manly when his undies are pink?
- I dropped my phone in the toilet. It still works except for the outer speaker, which means my pants will always vibrate when you call me.
- I posted the following status to Facebook at 3:30am: "baby keeps pooping all not, aggravated my serious diaper rash"
- I thought it would be fun to teach Leah how to play Mario Kart.
- I lightly sprinkled Mexican Spice Blend on our enchiladas tonight. It was so hot that the kids and I had crackers for dinner and Chris didn't even want to keep the leftovers.
I think thats a pretty good tally for one week. Hmmm...next week I fly solo with two kids, two car seats, at least 2 bags, one layover, and only two arms. There's some defininte potential for stupidity...
wow. Sounds like it's been quite a week. I hope the next week becomes better...
How is teaching Mario Kart to Leah a stupid thing? Cameron has been playing that since before he was two!
well with Mario Kart, she always wants to play that instead of "Play" and she can't figure out how to do it by herself. So this means I've made a whiny video-game addict out of my three year old, and she won't even do it without me sitting next to her. Ugh.
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